Classification of manifolds.
Higher order connections on frame bundles.
Affine Differential Geometry.
Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Spectral Geometry.
Lorentz Geometry and Relativity.
Semi-Riemannian Geometry.
Finsler Geometry.
Global analysis in Lorentz manifolds: geodesics, convexity.
Rational mechanics: particles under the action of potentials, magnetic fields and forces.
Causal structure of a space-time: trapped surfaces, black holes, causal and conformal boundary.
Busemann and Gromov constructions: compactification of Finsler manifolds, generalization of Busemann functions.
Geodesic curves, conjugate points and curvature in Lorentz manifolds.
Maximal spacelike hypersurfaces with constant curvature.
Hypersurfaces in symmetric spaces.
Spaces with symmetries: generalizations of symmetric spaces and circles acting on space-times.
Equivalence between different geometric structures.
(pseudo-)Riemannian conformal structures.
Hypersurfaces and submanifolds.
Isometric immersions.
Geometric inequalities in metric measure spaces.
Potential theory.
Variational problems in Differential Geometry.
Variational Problems associated to elliptic operators.
Variational problems related to relative perimeter and isoperimetric inequalities in Euclidean convex sets.
Variational problems related to area in manifolds with densities.
Variational problems related to the Minkowski content in metric measure spaces.
Variational problems related to sub-Riemannian area in sub-Riemannian geometry.
Extensions of G-structures.
Colour symmetry.
Differential Systems.
Finite-type submanifolds.
Extremal submanifolds.
Minimal surfaces.
Constant curvature surfaces.
Surfaces with prescribed mean curvature.
Tessellations and mosaics.